Emergency Survival Products To Live With

Emergency Survival Products To Live With! While the future is uncertain, one thing is for sure: Certainly, there will come a day when we will need to survive on our own. Now, I am not talking about being totally alone. But we will not be able to rely on our governments. There will come a time when we will not know who we can trust. Of course, there are the naysayers. While the majority are already getting supplies ready. However, one thing I know is that Having wine can be a lifesaving addition. Not only does it relieve stress, but the alcohol content can also be used as an antiseptic.

Where will you be when the time comes to keep yourself and your family safe and alive for extended periods of time? How will you prepare? Know this: when and if the day comes. Your supermarkets and local stores will be overrun. It will not be safe to be seen with supplies. Now it stands to reason that money, or at least currency, will be obsolete. Gold and silver will, once again, be the monetary staples.

Emergency Survival Products To Live With

When your life and your family’s lives are on the line. You only want the best. However, with so many companies out there, how do you know which one to utilize? While word of mouth is a good resource, when it comes to survival, you need to do your research. Certainly, check on where the products are manufactured. After all, if you live in Alaska, would you want someone from the French Riviera to make your equipment? Therefore, you want someone who knows what it takes to survive in the snow and can make your snow survival equipment. Moreover, the reverse is also true if your conditions are more desert-like.

Of course, you will need to consider time in your choices. Since “Bugging Out” might last for months or even years, careful planning is needed. Such as, would it be wiser to store water or have an easy way to purify water that you come upon? More than likely, you will need both. As we all know, carrying everything you own is a tricky feat. And liquid weighs a lot. Certainly, considering all of your options and the abilities of each member of your group will help in your decision-making process.

Surviving The Unknown

In the world of survival, the only sure thing is the basics. The human body cannot survive more than 3 days without water. While we can last at least 7 days without food, most importantly, you must prepare for attending to medical issues. Basic first aid classes are a must! Other than that, no one really knows what to expect. Since the type of survival will depend on a multitude of issues, keeping to the basics is the best “rule of thumb“. As well as being flexible. Certainly, there will be times when you will be making decisions on the move. Other times you will be able to plan your moves. Remember, things can change in the blink of an eye.

Do the best you can to remain calm and forward-thinking. While not getting stuck in a rut. While the change will be the only sure thing. So will the fact that you have prepared, and planned with the very best.

Please give your smile to someone today.  It does not cost you a thing. But it just might make someone’s day brighter. 

#cassiescornerunusualhintsforhomehealthandenvironment #safety&wildanimals #cleanfreshwaterforhealth

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