Clean Unpolluted Water For Your Home

Clean Unpolluted Water

Clean Unpolluted Water: is a must for your home. With all of the news reports of contaminated water systems in cities and towns across this great nation, what does contamination look like? Well, sometimes you are lucky, and you can actually see discoloration or particles within the water. While clean water should always be crystal clear, there are other signals that your water is not as safe as you might think. Firstly, there is the taste. If it tastes bad, it is bad! Second, there is clarity. Clean water is always see-through.

Since I have been sick all of my life, I am sensitive to taste. Therefore, as a child and young adult, I never drank tap water. It would literally make me sick to my stomach. While I never realized the water was bad, or contaminated by additives the government thought we needed, then one day, after moving to the foothills of California, we were on well water. Just because you have well water does not mean it is pure, clean water. But luckily, ours was. Although it took me 4 or 5 years of living there before I even tried the water, I was astonished! The water, especially ice-cold, was delicious. Who knew? Water actually has a refreshing and quenching taste and ability.

I was shocked and quickly changed to drinking it daily. I will raise a glass of naturally fermented wine to celebrate.

Clean Unpolluted Healthy Water Is What This Water Machine Delivers!


As I mentioned before, I was sick all of my life. Now here I was drinking the best water I had ever tasted. It was pure, clean water. Yet, it also had health benefits. There were natural minerals in the water that our bodies needed daily. Have you heard of calcium? Yes, it is part of the build-up on faucets. But it is also a much-needed mineral for our bones. While calcium is readily available over the counter, millions of Americans are popping the pill daily. It is usually not absorbed like it is in solution.

As a nation, our elderly are becoming osteoporotic at an alarming rate. Especially women. After menopause, women start losing bone density quickly, even when mildly active. When I had my hysterectomy in 2005, bone loss was a worry. However, I found a bone-loss remedy. While an early bone density scan showed a mild loss, after I started drinking our water, I actually improved my bone density by the next scan about 8 years later. We were all shocked when the report showed my bone density as a teenager. I don’t know about you, but that was an eye-opener. I was not taking any calcium supplements.

Clean Unpolluted Water Is The Elixer Of Life!

Clean Unpolluted Water

Certainly, we have all heard that the body can exist for weeks without food. Yet, it will start to die after 72 hours without water. Of course, the outside temperature can and does affect that timetable. Since there are very few places where clean water actually exists, such as running water over sand and stones. When I was a child, it was considered clean after 30 feet of rapid movement over rocks and sandy bottoms of streams and rivers. Although now that has changed. I have not been able to find a determined distance. Due to all the man-made contaminants in our waters uncontaminated water is a rarity. Now, would you rest easier knowing your family is drinking the cleanest, most eco-friendly water on the planet?

I have just moved out of the foothills. Finding myself at the mercy of the city’s water system has been a wake-up call for me. All of these years, I have taken my clean water for granted. However, since moving, I have been unable to drink the tap water without it making me sick. Therefore, I am somewhat dehydrated. Wow! What a difference a couple of weeks away from clean water makes! My energy is lower than it was earlier this year. I know that The Water Machine will take care of all these symptoms. Along with tasting so much better.

Clean Unpolluted Water, Why The Water Machine Works!

First of all, the entire setup was given very careful consideration. From the glass containers to the charcoal filters next, the mode of purification had to be a slow and natural process. Forced water just ends up ruining your filters. Therefore, gravity was decided to be the most natural and safe method of letting tap water flow through the filters. With the highest degree of elimination of the contaminants. We wanted your water to be 99.99% Bacteria-Free Water!!!

Below is a list of all the contaminants that The Water Machine removes. Compare it to any other model, and you will know why this one is the best.

Your water will be crystal clear! While being cleaned of bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, and other harmful chemicals. All the while maintaining all of the beneficial minerals that your body needs. These filters and the assembly of the unit are easy. Usually completed in less than 5 minutes. However, we advise you to clean the filters at least once a year. This one little chore will make them last longer. With several options for placement, you can place the unit on the edge of the counter or choose between a short countertop stand or a floor stand.

The Water Machine’s charcoal filters clean your water of bacteria and other harmful germs, such as viruses. While also eliminating heavy metals and chemical pollutants. This makes this filter system far superior to other filtration systems because it removes the following:

  • Bacteria (like E.Coli)
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA)
  • Chlorine
  • Chloramines
  • Fluoride
  • Heavy Metals
  • Herbicides & Pesticides
  • Parasites
  • Perfluorochemicals (PFOAS)
  • Petroleum Contaminants
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Radiological’s
  • Trihalomethane (THMs)
  • Viruses

I Just Ordered Mine, How Long Will You Wait?


 Please give your smile to someone today.  It does not cost you a thing. But it just might make someone’s day brighter. 

#cassiescornerunusualhintsforhomehealthandenvironment #allnaturalingredients #wellnessandbeauty #cleanfreshwaterforhealth