All Things Spirituality Alternatives & New Age Beliefs

All Things Spirituality Alternatives & New Age Beliefs

All Things Spirituality Alternatives & New Age Beliefsare just some of the words used to name areas that we can explore and learn about. As the world around us constantly changes, so do the opportunities for learning new and exciting things. After all, we are never too old to learn “New Tricks”. Since the Internet is the Super Highway of Information, your ability to acquire knowledge is limitless. Therefore, let us take you on a journey to acquire knowledge.

All Things Spirituality Alternatives & New Age Beliefs

Spirituality Alternative & New Age Beliefs: Free Stuff How You Can Get Almost Anything For Free:   You really need to see this! Find out the Secrets to getting almost anything for Free. Certainly, it is mind-boggling. So just how much Free Stuff is out there? Here, you will learn how to find free stuff. Then, once you find it. Learn how to obtain it for yourself. Now there is so much information here and it WORKS! Start Finding Yours Now….

Language Learning By Immersion: is known to be the best. Learning this way develops your skills quicker. While allowing you to proceed at your own pace. Simply watch programs in the language of your choice. Now it has been known for decades. We learn best living day to day hearing a new language. Above all, it primes the brain to acclimate to learning. With this method of immersion; you are priming your brain for quicker learning. All the while enjoying the types of shows that keep your attention. GO HERE, Learn YOUR New Language By Watching TV!

My Son Gave My Heart Back: This is an account of how my son gave me my heart back after he passed away 22 years ago. He was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, stage IV, when he was 17 years old. Almost 5 years later he passed from the brain tumors the disease caused. This was a hurt so deep, I never thought I could live on. GO HERE, To Read More…

Spirituality Alternative & New Age Beliefs: Music And Your Soul: Have you ever noticed how listening to the right music can change your mood? Ever since I was a youngster, music just seemed to speak to my heart. There would be sad songs that would touch my heart and make me cry. Certainly, the reverse was true also. I could hear an upbeat song and feel joyous. Or I would hear an artist for the first time and just know they were going to be a huge success. Music can still do that to me today. Let The Music Move Your Soul HERE!

Spirituality Alternative & New Age Beliefs: My Child’s Musical Evolution: A Little Story of My Child’s Musical Evolution. I have always been a great fan of music. When I was driving anywhere, you were sure to find me singing along to the music. When I was young, I could really sing. There were yearly performances in talent shows. Since I was singing to every song I heard, while I was pregnant with both sons. They grew to be very musically inclined.

Now I do have to add, that their father was also musically inclined. Although he didn’t sing very much, but he was great at playing instruments. Therefore, my oldest son inherited his playing ability. Firstly we moved to Napa California in 1977. Luckily for me, one of our neighbor’s daughters was into the violin. 

This daughter absolutely adored Brandon. My oldest son. So free of charge to us; she taught him to play the violin. Now, this started when he was 3 years old. We were able to rent a violin his size, and he became quite good.

Today my son is in a country western band. They are called Locked-N-Loaded. From the reviews, they are the #1 band in northern California. Enjoy The Journey HERE!

Spirituality, Alternative, & New Age Beliefs—what does all of that mean? While it may mean many different things, for each of us, there are so many ways that we can express our spirituality. Certainly, we can believe in a single entity that has our destiny in its hands.  Therefore, we could also believe in “Mother Nature”. Simply stated as a connection to the world around us as a religion. There is a belief in reincarnation. It does not matter “What or Whom” you believe to anyone but you. As long as your belief brings you satisfaction and peace of mind. All the while, not hurting someone else. There are too many in this world who dislike someone based on their beliefs.

While there are so many more important problems to concentrate our energies on. Hate and dislike are negative energies and should have no room in our lives. Rejoice in the positive aspects of your lives and strive to make them better. Because every day that we live there is something new and wonderful to learn. 

Please give your smile to someone today.  It does not cost you anything. But it just might make someone’s day brighter.

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