My Son Gave My Heart Back

My Son Gave My Heart Back
About 1 Year Before He Passed.

My Son Gave My Heart Back: This is an account of how my son healed my heart after he passed away 22 years ago. He was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, stage IV, when he was 17 years old. Almost 5 years later, he passed away from the brain tumors the disease caused. This hurt so deeply that I never thought I could live on. Now I will sip a glass of Fine Wine while I tell you my story!

My Son Gave My Heart Back

Firstly, I need to take you back 22 years. I was sitting next to my son, Jason, as he lay dying, holding his hand. While telling him that it was alright for him to go. And that I was so proud to have been his mother. I could feel a huge part of my heart dying right alongside him. Now, that hole has been there ever since. That is to say, at least until a couple of months ago. Certainly for all of these years since his passing. The “Holidays” and the “Month of May” were always the hardest, and when I felt the “Hole in My Heart” the most, now, just to keep you aware, Jason was born in May and passed just eight days after his 22nd birthday. Therefore, I have felt empty for the past 22 years. However, just a couple of months ago, my miracle happened.

My Miracle Happened Over Seven Nights

My Son Gave Me My Heart Back
As He Appeared In My Dream

Now, I started dreaming about Jason. While this was not a new event, what followed was extremely different. This dream was very vivid and detailed, unlike any other dream I had ever had of him. When I saw him and heard his voice, it was so crystal clear, as if he were in the room with me. Somehow, I knew this was something different, so over the course of seven dreams, over seven nights, Jason performed a miracle for me. He started by telling me how much he missed the real me—reminding me of the things that I did while he was alive. Since it made him proud of his mother, every time I would go out of my way to help someone else, he would see for himself the happiness that little acts of kindness and generosity would bring.

While I was wondering where this was going, he told me that I needed my whole heart back. To accomplish the things that were coming for me to fulfill, I had to share the overflowing love that was once in my heart. Now, he told me something that I already knew. My ability to share love and happiness was a gift from God. But now was the time to start using these gifts. While he knew, I could not share the love within with the hole still there. So he gave me my heart back. He told me that someone very special to the world and success was going to need my love. Yet by giving this love to this person, I would access the way to share with all in need.

How He Gave Me My Heart Again

Thereby, sharing and teaching love, acceptance, and learning between people. And pushing fear, hatred, and intolerance into the background. When the seventh night and the seventh dream were over, my heart was full again. No more empty feelings.

My Son Gave My Heart Back: How To Honor Him

Before I Knew What Loss Really Meant.

With this knowledge and a once-again heart full of love, my quest is to fulfill his wishes. I do not know when or how all of this will come to pass. But knowing has brought me a peacefulness that has been a long time coming. I like to compare these feelings that have been in my heart before his passing. Akin to the mighty Mississippi River. While it overflows in stormy weather; it also replenishes and refills itself. Readying for the next storm. So my quest and life-long goal are to show love and respect to all in need.

Make Your Dreams Happen By Working From Home!!!

Have a great day, and give someone your smile.  Now, it does not cost you anything. But it can make someone feel better.  As a result, YOU end up feeling a little better about yourself.

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