An Opiate Free Life

An Opiate Free Life

An Opiate Free life can be yours while still controlling pain.  Carlos Garcia, M.D. has found an amazing way to achieve this outcome.  Removing Opiates from your life can be very liberating.  And who is more deserving of this wonderful way of life, than our Veterans.  Because they risked their lives and health to maintain our Liberty. Consequently, they also need emotional calming and brain healing, with this amazing BRAIN FOOD!

They include the following:

  • Morphine
  • Demerol
  • Oxycontin
  • Codeine
  • Percodan/  Percocet
  • Talwin
  • Heroin
  • And many derivatives of the above.

So many of our Wounded Warriors are battling this awful addiction.  And They desperately need an alternative…  So here it is and…


 This program is starting with our Veterans.  With their limited ability to access quality and immediate healthcare.  Certainly we can all understand how they can start to feel:

  • Forgotten
  • Unappreciated
  • Overlooked
  • With no where to turn for help

Why are they suffering needlessly? Because now there is a solution.  As a grateful American, I feel that our Armed Forces need our support.  We need to get the word out as quickly and broadly as possible.  So that they can start their Opiate Free life.

 An Opiate Free Live: At This Time, This Pilot Program is for Veterans Only!

This Program Provides:

  • A Program Designed to Begin an Opiate Free Lifestyle, that takes 60 days or less. 
  • Once Opiate Free, they will once again have control over their lives.

Also: They are looking to help 10 Veterans with PTSD that are Addicted to Opiates and want to alleviate PTSD symptoms.

 While this program is being funded by Dr. Carlos Garcia M.D..  We need to make this program and the amazing results, available for the whole Country to be aware of its existence.  As a result, we need your help spreading the Word.  Certainly, we need to find more funding and facilities to help our Veterans.  Education of professionals, as well as the public, is desperately needed to spread this solution to Every Major City in the USA.

We Can Not and Should Not Ignore The Terrible Toll that Opiate Addiction Has 

This Part is Amazing:

  • The Participants will ONLY need to cover the cost of transportation.  To and from the Utopia Wellness facility in Oldsmar, Florida.
  • And the cost of lodging and food
  • The Program itself, is provided at no charge

In September 2018, Dr. Garcia started his Pilot Program.  With 30 Participants in this Pilot Program becoming Opiate Free.  So if you or a Loved one, or you know of someone that might benefit by becoming Opiate Free.  Now find out where and how to become a part of this Program.  Please access the Utopia Wellness Website below.  Help them to live an Opiate Free life.

For More Information, Contact Utopia Wellness in Oldsmar Florida.  Their number is  (727) 799-9060.

Or Visit Utopia Wellness HERE

I personally want to share this information with anyone and everyone that wants to help.  Certainly, we need to help the Brave Men and Women that have served us and continue to protect our Country and other Countries in need.  Finally, they deserve an Opiate Free life, after all, they have done for us.

An Opiate Free Life IS Possible

We have all heard of the tragic overdoses from Opiates all across America.  Even small towns are under siege.  In other words, even the young and the old are at risk.   For now, I am referring to our Wounded Warriors.  Too many of them are left to fend for themselves after experiencing the horrors of war.  Now they are dying when they should be safe at home in the USA.  Some are accidental and some are intentional.  As a result, their family lives are ruined due to the nature of addiction. 

Now Dr. Garcia has found and used his discovery for Stage 4 Cancer patients addicted to Opiates.  He has proven that after his Program they are no longer addicted. 

We Need You To Help Us Spread the Word on this Amazing Breakthrough…

Please help us to get the word out on this amazing breakthrough.  However, we need to help SAVE our Wounded Warriors.  After all, they have risked Life and Limb for us.  By the way, the Warriors that are suffering from PTSD are just as debilitated as someone that has lost a limb.

My personal belief is that every Man or Woman returning from Active Duty in combat suffers from some degree of PTSD.  Certainly, they have witnessed the devastation of property and what were once beautiful places.  But it is the human devastation that they will never forget.  After all, they were not watching a televised program with actors.  No, they witnessed the actual destruction of human bodies.  Moreover many of the innocent victims comprising of women and children.  Not only by our weapons but by the weapons of their own people.  In other words, used to terrorize and dispose of anyone that would help one of our soldiers.

So please help us get the word out.  This Program can only help… Not only our Veterans now, but for our children and grandchildren in the future.

Here is a list of some of the main issues at hand:

  • Our Veterans are not getting the help they need to become a Whole Person again.  They deserve to live their lives like the rest of us by having loved ones and a strong support system.  After all if they had not gone to war for us, our whole way of life would not be available.
  • Opiate Use, and/ or the Addiction that comes with it, destroys health and lives.  Like being and outcast from loved ones and children.
  • We need to resolve the Issues behind Opiate Addiction.  Why are our Wounded Warriors turning to Opiates instead of getting help for the underlying reason that the Opiates were prescribed to alleviate.

We need to promote the type of Physician that Dr. Garcia exemplifies.  Someone that saw a great injustice and decided to find a solution.  Even if it meant going against the norm or even the Government.  Let the American people come together and celebrate his achievement.  Certainly, we can let our voices be heard!  Let us do what our Representatives in Government cannot.  Show them that we can get something done.  Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

As We Grow and Our Voices Unite, We Just Might Be Heard Around the World…

Like the snowball rolling downhill… But the first snowflake had to start somewhere.  In short, let this be our starting point.  Finally, I am looking forward to hearing our collective voice change the unspeakable wrong happening to our Veterans!

Please give your smile to someone today.  It does not cost you a thing. But it just might make someone’s day brighter.
